Response to your inquiry

  • Please make sure that you are set up to receive e-mail from
  • As a rule, we will respond to you within one week after the form is submitted.
  • If you do not receive a reply after one week, we apologize for the inconvenience, but we ask that you submit the form again.


  • Depending on the nature of your inquiry, it may take some time to reply or we may not be able to reply. We thank you in advance for your understanding.
  • Please refrain from reprinting, secondary use, or disclosing all or part of the contents of our responses to you.
  • Once the submit button is pressed, you will not be able to modify or edit the information. Please check the information you have entered before operating the system.
  • Once you leave this page, your information will not be recorded. Please be careful not to go to different pages, etc. while you are filling out the form.

    RequiredInquiry Category




    OptionalPhone number

    OptionalDepartment name (For org and corp)

    OptionalCorporate name (For org and corp)

    RequiredInquiry Details

      RequiredName of Project

      RequiredDonation amount (yen)

      RequiredName to be written on receipt

      RequiredName to be written on receipt

      RequiredEmail address to send receipt to

      OptionalTransfer date (Scheduled)

      Please fill in this form only if you are making a bank transfer.

      RequiredDonation Method

      RequiredDate of Birth


      OptionalPhone number

      OptionalPlease write your message of support, if any

      We may share your comments on our website and social networking sites. Thank you in advance for your understanding.

        RequiredName of Project

        RequiredDonation amount (yen)

        RequiredName of company/organization to be listed on receipt

        RequiredPublic availability


        OptionalIf you have a different name for the publication, please indicate it here

        RequiredEmail address to send receipt to

        OptionalTransfer date (Scheduled)

        Please fill in this form only if you are making a bank transfer.

        RequiredDonation Method

        RequiredName of person in charge

        RequiredName of person in charge

        RequiredName of company/organization

        RequiredAffiliation and position of the person in charge


        OptionalPhone number

        OptionalPlease write your message of support, if any

        We may share your comments on our website and social networking sites. Thank you in advance for your understanding.